School Mural painted in the music room.  15ft X 35ft
Dover High School
Woodbridge Raiders
Chipman Middle School Spartans
9 ft by 35 ft
Five easy steps to a fantastic school mural,

#1 Begin with a free, no obligation portfolio presentation which includes more photos of my work and information on how I am able to design and price a mural within your school budget.
#2 A collaborative discussion of the location and images that will best express your school's spirit, personality, theme, mascot and purpose.
#3 The preliminary drawing is approved and the dates to begin the work are scheduled.
#4 The mural is painted at the school site, most of the time in the summer  months, but not always.
#5  Complimentary professional photos of the mural which can be used in the promotion of the school and its programs, are made available.

Lets get your school looking great!

F. D. Stubbs   Elementary School   Wilmington, DE
Chipman Middle School, Library    12 ft by 60 ft
De. Air force base mural              10 ft by 100 ft
Christiana High School
East Pennsboro High School          Enola PA
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Brian T Phillips
The Fine Art of Decorative Painting

School Murals